Art Prints for Wholesalers

Showcase The Art of Leonard Peltier
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Showcase Leonard Peltier’s Art In

3 Easy Steps

Browse our available prints, made with fine glossy paper, then fill out our quick form. We’ll get back to you with a pricing estimate.

Order 20 or more prints and get a 10% discount!

Support Leonard Peltier and brighten up your walls with his colorful, meaningful work.

Choose Your Prints

With over 50 art prints, you’re sure to find one for your business.

Pick a Size

Prints are available in three sizes:

Add a Frame

We’ll take care of framing your art prints, They’ll arrive ready to hang on your walls.

Available Prints

From the Artist

“My people are beautiful, My culture is beautiful.”

~ Leonard Peltier

Get a Free Estimate

Fill out the form below with the prints you would like, and we’ll get back to you with an pricing estimate. Orders of 20 or more prints get a 10% discount! Mix and match to decorate your walls with Leonard Peltier’s art.

Price per Print:
11×14: $20
16×20: $35
18×24: $45

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The International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (ILPDC) is the hub of communication between Leonard Peltier and his program coordinators, the general public, government officials, political and tribal leaders, the media, and his supporters worldwide.


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