A p p e a r
a n c e s:
The Plaintiff
was represented by its attorneys, Mr. Evan Hultman, United States
Attorney, Sioux City, Iowa; Mr. Lynn E. Crooks, Assistant United States
Attorney, Fargo, North Dakota; Mr. Robert L. Sikma, Assistant United
States Attorney, Sioux City, Iowa; Mr. Bruce Boyd, Sioux Falls, South
Dakota; and Mr. Richard E. Vosepka, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The Defendant
was present in person and was represented by his attorneys, Mr. Elliot A.
Taikeff, New York, New York; Mr. John Lowe, Charlottesville, Virginia; Mr.
Stanley Engelstein, New York, New York; and Mr. Terry Gilbert, Cleveland,
_ _ _ _
W h e r e u p
o n, the following proceedings, among others, were had and entered of
record, to-wit: (Voir dire examination and empaneling of the jury.)
* * * *
the following
proceedings were had and entered of record on Wednesday afternoon, March
16, 1977 at 3:10 o'clock P.M., the jury being present and the defendant
being present in person:
it please the Court, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. It's a difficult
task which is going to confront you in the next couple of weeks. You are
going to have to decide whether or not Leonard Peltier is guilty beyond a
reasonable doubt of the charges which the judge just indicated to you.
It's a serious charge so you have to be concerned and you have to listen
carefully to the evidence. But it's also a very serious matter from the
other point of view because there are two men whose lives were taken away
while they were 27 and the other 28 years old, two young FBI agents. And
as I say this to you, because it's important not only to make sure that
you don't convict a defendant when you have a reasonable doubt as to his
guilt but it is also important for you to keep in mind throughout the
course of this trial that you make sure that justice is done. You cannot
waiver from that point of view. You must see that justice is done. So I
ask you to keep that in mind as you consider what is happening during the
course of this trial. That's an awesome responsibility for you. You must
also realize there are human weaknesses and frailties, things that must be
taken into consideration. All that will be asked of you is that you do
your very best under these circumstances.
There's going
to be inconvenience, there's going to be time and delay, arguments of
Counsel. Throughout the course of the trial government's counsel,
defendant's counsel are in an adversary position. This is an adversary
proceeding. The government presents its evidence in the light most
favorable to the government and the defense presents its evidence in the
light most favorable to the defendant.
Then the judge
instructs you on the law. You look at the facts and compare it with the
law and you determine whether the government has proven its case beyond a
reasonable doubt. While you're taking these matters into consideration,
there will be two types of evidence that you're going to consider, or
rather three types of evidence. First of all, you're going to listen to
the witness' testimony. Then you're going to see exhibits, various
exhibits which are offered into evidence. Then you're going to hear about
stipulations are things that the government and defense agree upon. There
are some things that the government and the defense counsel all agree
upon. We have established certain lines which we will confront each other
on certain types of evidence. So one of the things that's not evidence is
what I say to you right now. This isn't evidence. But this is what I
expect as an advocate, what I expect the evidence is going to show.
Now I'm not
going to be able to tell you all the evidence which I expect to come in
and I can't read minds and I can't tell the future so I can't always say
what the witnesses are going to say to you during the course of this
trial, so you keep that in mind. Just remember those things.
You remember
that what I say during the course of this trial, what defense counsel says
is not evidence. Listen to what the witnesses have to say.
government's contention when you listen to the evidence will prove the
defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
The defendant
is charged with a crime, with two offenses: first degree murder, the
murder of Ronald A. Williams, special agent of the FBI, while he was in
the course of his duties as an agent. The other charge is first degree
murder of Jack R. Coler while Jack R. Coler was in the official capacity
as an FBI agent carrying out his sworn duty.
Let me tell
you a couple things first about Ronald Williams. Ronald Williams is a
native of Los Angeles. He was 27 years old at the time he died. Ronald
Williams was sent to Rapid City as a special agent of the FBI a couple
years prior to the time that he died. A couple months before he was killed
he was assigned to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
Jack Coler was
also from Los Angeles, California. He was 28 years old at the time he
died. He was also a special agent {6} of the FBI. He was assigned to
Denver, Colorado. That was his permanent assignment, but because of the
case load, I believe the evidence will show that he was sent to Pine
Ridge, South Dakota to work on some of the cases on the Indian
Now the FBI
has the responsibility of investigating major crimes on the reservation.
Among them the crime of robbery, crimes of burglary, the various felony
On the 24th of
June, 1975, Ronald Williams and Jack Coler were assigned the case of James
Theodore Eagle. James Theodore Eagle was at that time on the reservation
and he was charged with a crime of robbery. Since there was a Warrant
outstanding, it was their duty to find James Theodore Eagle.
Now if I may
for a moment to give you some idea of the areas involved, the map on the
right, the large map is an area which is on the Pine Ridge Indian
Reservation in South Dakota. It is the general area where the crime took
place. This is the area, as you can see a thing here that says, "Coler's
Car." And you'll see an arrow there that says, "The bodies of William,"
and, "SA Williams and SA Coler."
This is a
larger map of the western part of the United States and a small part of
Canada. We will be using this during the course of the trial. The purpose
of using these maps is because the evidence is very great. It's an area
which you're undoubtedly all unfamiliar with and we're going to use this
as an aid to you during the course of the trial.
While these
maps will be available to you and so forth, they are not as such items
which were found or items which were part of the criminal investigation.
The Pine Ridge
Indian Reservation where this took place is located here in the
southwestern part of South Dakota. As you will notice, it is about 100
miles southeast of Rapid City, South Dakota.
The agents on
the 25th were working in the town of Pine Ridge and another town of Oglala,
South Dakota.
If you look at
this map, you'll see here this is an area going towards the north. Now in
most cases the map would be on ends like this and you can see it's going
to be large enough and so you will be able to see the map that you have to
have it somewhat larger than it is and by having it a rectangular map in
this manner, we can't, we have some of the exhibits too high so it's
easier for us to place this map in a manner like this. Keep that in mind
and it will keep you some, give you the idea of the directions involved.
Highway 18
will be discussed a lot during the course of this trial. You will notice
here that the Jumping Bull Hall, see this, "Jumping Bull Hall," this area
on the map is generally known as the property of Harry Jumping Bull.
Highway 18 runs past Harry Jumping Bull's property.
To the
northwest Oglala, South Dakota is located, about 3.3 miles. Pine Ridge is
located 12.2 miles to the southeast of the Jumping Bull Property.
Now on the
date in question, or before the date in question, on the 24th to be exact,
James Theodore Eagle and three companions were charged with a felony
offense as I stated earlier.
At that time a
Warrant went out for their arrest. Two of the other individuals were
arrested and Agents Williams and Coler were assigned to look for James
Theodore Eagle.
I believe the
evidence will show that James Theodore Eagle had been seen in the area of
the Jumping Bull property.
Now you'll
notice that there are one, two, three, four houses here. The evidence I
believe will also show that in the back area, there's an area back here to
the southeast of the Jumping Bull's main residence which is a wooded, in a
wooded area which had a number of tents and I believe the evidence will
show that the defendant and his companions were staying in this area for a
couple of weeks prior to the date of the 26th of June.
Now I believe
the evidence will show that Jimmy Eagle was observed in this general area
and consequently Special Agents Williams and Coler went to look for him on
the 25th, the day before the date of the murders.
On the evening
of the 25th they appeared there. I believe the evidence will show that
they could not locate him but were advised at that time that he had been
there but that he was gone.
I believe that
the evidence will show that on the next day they once again set out to
locate Jimmy Eagle and serve him the rest of it.
Now this is
the time, I remind you, when the defendant and his companions, about
twelve of them, were occupying the area in a tent and they were also in
the area of these residents from time to time.
On the
afternoon of the 26th of June at about 11:00 o'clock Special Agent Adams,
while he was working, assigned to another case in that area, drove into
Pine Ridge, South Dakota which I mentioned is about twelve miles to the
southeast of the Jumping Bull residence.
Will he was
there he did not speak with Special Agents Williams and Coler but I
believe that the evidence will show he was well-acquainted with Special
Agent Williams.
He observed
Special Agent Williams talking with another agent and determined that
Special Agent Williams was going out to look for James Theodore Eagle and
that they were going in that direction.
Shortly before
noon, since he was by himself, he left in the opposite direction to the
south to go out to get some lunch. This was about quarter to 12:00 on the
26th of June.
traveling in his car he heard a radio transmission and because he knew
Special Agent Williams well he recognized his voice and he heard something
to say to the effect that they {10} were following a vehicle. It seems
that it was a red and while vehicle of some kind; that he heard other
communications which indicated that they were still following the vehicle
and then he heard the communication, "It looks like they're going to shoot
at us," and then immediately over the sound of the of the radio net he
heard the sound of gunfire.
He immediately
stopped his car and turned around and headed back toward the Pine Ridge,
or toward the Oglala area.
When he turned
around he made some contact during this time with Special Agent Williams.
He heard him state that he had to get on the high ground. He heard him
talk about Jumping Bull Hall.
He did not
know precisely where Jumping Bull Hall was but he drove in that direction.
He knew that it was in the Oglala area so he drove in that direction and
met two agents, or two Bureau of Indian Affairs police officers and they
directed him toward Jumping Bull Hall.
Special Agents Williams and Coler were following a vehicle.
and, I believe that during the course of the trial you will have to put
evidence together. Sometimes circumstantial evidence is the best evidence
that there is to show a certain thing.
If you see
someone, for example, if you go to an island {11} where no one, where you
think no one has been but you see footprints in the sand, you know that
someone's been there. Even when you see the trees bowing you can't see the
wind but you know that the wind is there so you can tell that.
evidence is the same way. So we're going to take physical evidence during
the course of this trial and present that to reconstruct the events which
took place.
I believe that
this evidence will show that Special Agents Williams and Coler traveled
down this road; that when they got down to here they were communicating
with Special Agent Adams to the fact that he'd better get on the high
ground or they'd be dead men;
That at this
time Special Agent Williams and Coler, while they were armed with their
service revolvers, did not have on their person a long rifle.
Now I believe
that the, this will show that the area from the housing to the bottom of
the hill is approximately two hundred yards. Now with a pistol, I believe
the agents will be able to testify that with a pistol that's a long ways
to fire with any accuracy.
However, with
a high-powered rifle that's a very short distance to fire.
Special Agents
Williams and Coler, Special Agent Coler apparently got out of his car and
went to the trunk where he had a 308 carbine rifle.
I believe that
the, that he took the weapon out of his car and at this time I believe
that Special Agent Coler's car was parked in a manner which was pointing
it right towards this green house because that's where it was found. It
was found in this area; the trunk was open.
I believe that
Special Agent Williams' car was running parallel to this road that runs
along an area which takes the bodies of Special Agents Williams and Coler.
I believe that
the evidence will show that during this time while the gunfire was going
on Special Agent Williams was trying to get Special Agent Adams to find
the location;
That while,
Special Agent Coler meanwhile went to the back of his car to get a gun out
of the trunk, the 308 carbine, that a bullet went through the trunk and
went into his arm and nearly tore his arm off.
It was in such
a manner that I believe the evidence will show the injury would have been
so great and cause such extreme pain that he would have been disabled from
it. He may have eventually gone unconscious from it.
during this time Special Agent Coler, or Special Agent Williams was shot
in the shoulder. The bullet went from the top of his shoulder out his
underarm and into his side. He was shot with a 44 magnum carbine.
At this time
or sometime after he was shot I believe that the evidence will show that
he took off his shirt and made {13} tourniquet for Special Agent Coler's
right arm.
I believe that
Special Agent Coler at that time was laying out alongside of his car.
I believe
about this time while he was doing this the defendant Leonard Peltier and
his companions came from this area of the, of these cars here. There are
some junk cars that were parked along there. There are some houses in this
area. I believe the evidence will show that they were being fired at from
these two areas.
A number of
individuals were firing at them with high powered weapons;
That when they
stopped firing, that the defendant and his companions went to the bottom
of the hill; when they got to the bottom of the hill, that Special Agent
Coler had been, or Special Agent Williams had been shot two times.
He had been
shot in the left shoulder and he was wounded in the side. He was shot in
the right foot.
And at that
time while ho had his hand extended in front of his face and the defendant
and his companions at close range, the gun was placed up against his hand
and the trigger was pulled, a high-powered weapon.
The bullet
went through his hand and into his face and tore away the back of his
He was, I
believe medical evidence will show, was killed instantly.
Special Agent
Coler at this time was laying on the ground unconscious or unable to
defend himself.
I believe from
the photographs, from the reconstruction of the events you will see that
while Special Agent Coler was laying on the ground the gun was held not
more than four feet from his forehead. He was shot in the right side; that
the bullet carried away the top front part of the skull. This would not in
itself probably have been a fatal shot but immediately thereafter he was
shot in the side of the jaw on the right side. The bullet went through his
jaw, tore away the bottom of the jaw and killed him instantly.
Special Agent Adams and two Bureau of Indian Affairs police were coming,
were traveling from Pine Ridge down toward this area.
Special Agent
Adams I believe will testify that he heard gunfire during this time.
Special Agent Adams will then state that they went down this road and he
drove his car to this point right here by the residence which is in the
northwest area of the residence of Harry Jumping Bull;
That in this
particular, when he got to this point, that his car and the car of the
Bureau of, BIA police was fired upon, both front tires shot out of the
He began
backing up into this area and he backed his car until he got to an area
right along here parallel with Highway 18. There's an old road which is to
the southwest of {15} Highway 18 running parallel to it and his car got
stuck there, while a front tire was shot out, he had a flat tire. He
couldn't move and he remained pinned down and stayed in this area
throughout the afternoon until 4:30 that afternoon.
Throughout the
afternoon more agents came. I believe that the Government and the
Defendant will agree that Special Agent Williams and Coler died
approximately 12:00 o'clock noon; and so at this time, if you recall, if
you look at the evidence, I believe that you will find that at this time
the offense had already been committed. I believe that at that time the
agents were already dead, had already been murdered; but other agents and
other police, members of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, moved into the area
in an attempt to capture the persons who had fired the shots.
Now, we will
have a mock-up for you, I believe, in the courtroom -- I believe that
counsel for both sides have agreed; and it will be helpful to you to
Now, there is
a line here that says "crest of plateau". This area along here
(indicating) which you follow is a plateau, and this (indicating) is a
level table top flat area. The area along the trees at the bottom of the
map, where it says "wooded area" and the "tents" on it, there is a small
creek running and this (indicating) is much lower than the area here
Now, right
along here (indicating), where it says the "crest of plateau", right along
this road (indicating) it drops down about 30 feet so while Special Agent
Adams was here, up from the crest of the plateau (indicating), {17} unless
he got over to the edge of the crest, he could not see Coler's car. If you
were down here (indicating), in the bottom of it, below the meadow in the
wooded area, the land drops off immediately almost. It isn't like a cliff,
but it is very close to that, drops down another 10 feet. Agents going
into this area (indicating), who would come out of the tree line or to the
edge of the tree line would be fired on. Agents who would come anywhere
near this plateau area, along here (indicating), would be fired at from
the residents so that it wasn't until 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon before
any one of the agents was able to get there.
During the
afternoon a couple of times there were attempts made to negotiate with the
people in this area. I believe though that the evidence will be that all
negotiations were unsuccessful. One of the assailants was killed during
the course of the gunfight in which the agents were trying to get into the
area; but I believe the evidence will show that during the time from 12:00
o'clock until 4:30, until the agents' well-being was known, that no one
was certain as to whether or not Special Agents Williams, Special Agent
Coler were hostages or what their condition was, so during this time I
think you will find very little firing was done by the law enforcement
agents going into the area.
Later in the
afternoon the Defendant and his companions, about six or seven of them, or
eight of them, met in the area by the tents. They waited there for awhile.
They loaded a red and white Chevy van with supplies and discussed whether
or not they would attempt to run the roadblock. They decided to abandon
this idea and decided to escape out the back way which they did, and they
traveled for a couple of days into the hills around the -- toward the
direction of Pine Ridge and in various areas, and eventually their trail
was lost.
A few days
later they went to an area which you will see on the other map is
designated as Rosebud. This is another Reservation which is to the
southeast of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation; that while they stayed
there for some time -- the Defendant and his companions stayed in this
area for some time.
On September
5th the FBI had warrants for a number of persons. One of them, namely Al
Running, his son. They had warrants for a number of people living at the
Al Running residence. In serving these warrants they arrested a man by the
name of Butler and others; but Dino Butler was a man, I believe the
evidence will show, who was in the area of the tents, was living in the
area with Leonard Peltier.
I believe that
the evidence will show that around {19} this area certain evidence was
found, firearms, spent cartridge cases and so forth were found in the area
of the Al Running residence where the Defendant had been and where Dino
Butler was arrested.
But on of the
things that was found in an automobile on that property was Special Agent
Williams' service revolver.
Another thing
that I should note is that later on, I believe that it was on the 12th of
September, on the turnpike in Wichita, Robert Eugene Robideau, Mike
Anderson, two people who were there at the crime scene, who had been
observed firing at the agents, who had been living in the tents, were
driving in a vehicle with some other persons. While they were driving
there at this time their car caught fire. The muffler got hot, and the car
caught fire. They ran from the vehicle, but it exploded. The vehicle
exploded, and a number of items were found. One of the things that was
found in this vehicle was a 308 carbine rifle. In this 308 carbine there
was -- this was a gun that was assigned to Special Agent Coler.
Now, there was
also a firearm found there that was connected to the crime scene.
Now, during
the course of the trial we are going to use a variety of exhibits in order
to help you. Now, I am just going to give an example. This is Government
{20} Exhibit 34-b. It is a spent cartridge case, and you can see that his
is in this area (indicating).
Government Exhibit 34-b, when it is offered into evidence, is going to be
placed there (indicating). We say it is there that it was found in the
trunk of Special Agent Coler's car. This is going to help you remember
where the various items of evidence are found.
Exhibit 34-a is a picture of an AR Fischer Rifle.
Now, if this
is offered into evidence, the reason that we chose to number this
cartridge casing 34-b is because, I believe the evidence will show, that
Government Exhibit 34-b was fired from Government Exhibit 34-a; and if you
will look at the exhibits, I believe that you will see that these things
have a connection or connecting by means of numbering these exhibits, and
this is used as a method to help you in determining where various items
are found.
To continue,
it was later on in November -- Leonard Peltier, incidentally, I might add,
was wanted on another warrant; but at this time a warrant had gone out for
his arrest, so on November 14 Leonard Peltier was seen in the area near
Ontario, Oregon. Leonard Peltier had earlier, on September 9th, purchased
a vehicle, using the name of Louis Martinez. He had purchased this vehicle
{21} in Denver, Colorado.
Now, when
Leonard Peltier was being sought, he was spotted in this particular area;
and there was a bulletin out for him. There was a recreational vehicle, a
Dodge recreational vehicle being driven in that area.
There was also
in that area a Plymouth automobile which Leonard Peltier had purchased,
using the name of Louie Martinez. These two vehicles were traveling close
together on the highway. The highway patrolman stopped the vehicle. When
he stopped the vehicle, he observed a man get out who he will, I believe,
identify as Leonard Peltier; that when he got out of the vehicle, he fired
a shot; and he was shot at by the man attempting to apprehend him; that he
escaped into the woods not too far from this area.
On the
following day it was noticed -- or two days later -- that there was a
burglary notice and an automobile was stolen.
From this
ranch house in the country which was burglarized a rifle was taken and in
addition to this there was some fingerprints left behind. The fingerprints
were those of Leonard Peltier.
Peltier was a fugitive until February 6 when the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police caught him in the area of the Jasper National Park, which is a
small boy's camp in Alberta, Canada.
When he was
arrested, certain other things were found. Among those was a rifle that
had been stolen from Oregon with his fingerprints on it.
Well, I have
stated that I have by no means stated the evidence. I have given you an
idea of how the defendant was traced, how his companions were traced from
various places and how the items which they had on their person or near to
them connected directly-back to the area of the death of special agent
Ronald Williams and Jack Coler.
Throughout the
course of the trial I ask you to look for connection, pay close attention
to it because there are a number of items that are involved that are
rather complex. But throughout the course of the trial, as I said earlier,
the defendant starts out and there is no evidence against him, but
throughout the course of the trial you'll be seeing evidence placed in one
at a time, pieces of evidence will come in. I believe they will show
circumstantial and direct evidence of the {23} defendant's guilt in this
Now perhaps if
you would consider these things and the government's theory of the case
throughout this trial. If you take isolated incidence one at a time, they
don't mean too much, like if you took the word out of the sentence, it
doesn't mean a whole lot. When you put it altogether, even though there
are some words missing from the sentence, you will know what the sentence
says. I believe if you pay attention to the evidence in this matter and
look at all the facts and put them altogether, in addition to the facts
and the items I mentioned.
I believe you
will find that a paper bag was found in a recreational vehicle, a vehicle
which Leonard Peltier was driving, and on this paper bag, for example,
there was fingerprints of Leonard Peltier. Inside of the paper bag,
special agent Coler's personal firearm along with some shell casings,
empty shell casings which had been fired.
I think if you
put all these things together, by the end of the trial you'll understand
the case. I can't tell you at this point and I'm not, I'm going to urge
you not to decide anything until all the evidence has been entered and
until we're all finished arguing.
I ask you to
listen closely and it's our contention by the close of the trial the
government will have proven its case against the defendant beyond a
reasonable doubt.
Remember, only
one person is on trial. You're not on {24} trial here, the government is
on trial here, AIM isn't on trial. The defendant is on trial for two
counts of first degree murder and I ask you to keep that in mind when
you're considering the evidence. Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the purpose of an opening statement has
been explained somewhat by the judge and by Mr. Sikma.
What I say
here is not evidence. It is what I expect the evidence to be.
The government
witnesses are, of course, under the control of the government and whether
they call or fail to call or decide not to call particular witnesses after
telling us that they are on the witness list is something which is within
the province of the government and we can only here base reasonable
expectations and tell you what we think is going to happen. Some witnesses
may not be called, additional ones may be called. So I will just give you
the best I can tell you now. Since this is not evidence, it's only to give
you an overview, try and help you to follow as we go along and understand
where each piece of evidence fits in in this mosaic, so in the end you'll
know where it all fits in.
This is an
opportunity for each of the parties to give you their theory of the case,
give you an overview of what they expect to be able to prove and what they
think the evidence will show as well as their theory of what took place.
It's also {25} an opportunity to alert to call your attention to certain
things so that you will be looking for them or when they take place you
will realize they may have a particular significance and you will be
alerted to them.
The one thing
that is quite clear in this case is that what took place on June 26th,
1975, was an American tragedy by any standard of measure. What the
government has said is two-thirds correct. In one regard the government
said two young men are dead and we mourn for their families and that is
true. But the other third of that is that one young Indian man is dead and
we mourn for his family as well. All three lives are a loss to all of us
and we all mourn for all of their families.
I can state
the theory of the defense in two succinct sentences and then I will
explain to you how I think the evidence will relate to the theory.
The first
sentence is, theory one is the absolute innocence in fact of Mr. Peltier
of any criminal charge on June 26, 1975.
The second
theory of our case is that there is not one shred of believable evidence
that will appear before you to convict Mr. Peltier of that criminal charge
on June 26, 1975.
I would like
to talk a little bit about procedure. Based on the voir dire, some of you
have been on criminal trials before. Perhaps you are old hands at some of
the procedures. Some of you, however, have never sat on a criminal trial
and {26} while the judge has explained a few things and Mr. Sikma
explained a few things, there are several things I think may help you to
follow more carefully the evidence as it is presented. Also some items of
jargon, as it were, that we lawyers may use from time to time that may
help some of you to know what we're talking about.
First of all,
the object of the court's evidentiary rulings are to make sure only
reliable evidence gets before you. Now there are lots of things that could
come out if we had no rules of evidence that would be just rumors, that
would be unsupported. That would be what we call hearsay which means one
person is reporting what somebody else said but that somebody else is not
here where we can confront them and either side can ask questions of them.
The law has recognized over the many years, many centuries of American
juris prudence that it is unwise to allow serious criminal matters to be
decided on unreliable evidence. We have these rules. They are not
technicalities. Sometimes people talk about technicalities. These are the
most important fabric of our judicial system. If a person can be convicted
on rumor, then a lot of us in this courtroom wouldn't be here today I
Another point
is that the evidence in this case may come from several different forms.
There will certainly be testimony from witnesses. There will be physical
exhibits ranging from guns to cartridge cases, things of that nature, {27}
jurors don't realize that cross-examination has two purposes. One is to
try to test the truth of what the witness has said or the completeness of
it or to bring out questions of whether the witness is believable or not.
But additional cross-examination can simply bring out evidence that was
not brought out on direct examination. That may not be contradictive at
all but may simply be additional information which that witness has
available and which the first party did not bring out. So just because a
lawyer asks cross-examination questions does not necessarily imply that he
doesn't believe the witness. It may very well be to bring out evidence.
And cross-examination information is just as much evidence as what is
brought out on direct.
There will be
stipulations from time to time. Some of them we will have entered in
formality, others because of what has been testified by a particular
witness, it may become obvious that the question is not in dispute and one
counsel or another may offer at that time to stipulate to save time.
Inferences are
to be drawn by the jury because you think they are reasonable. Mr. Sikma
referred to if you're on a desert island and you see footprints you would
draw an inference there was somebody else on the island. That is an
inference you draw from that circumstantial evidence. All of that evidence
is entitled to be accorded whatever weight you {28} decide it's worth.
You're the ones ultimately to decide how important one piece of evidence
is against another. If there are two witnesses that give conflicting
information, you're the ones that decide which one is most believable or
whether there is simply doubt left in your mind as to who you can believe
or what the true situation is. That is your function as the jurors. It is
one of the most important functions you carry out.
One of the
types of evidence that may come into this trial or may be referred to in
evidence is what is called a 302. That is a term you'll hear a lot. This
is simply a form used by the FBI to make reports, sort of like a summary
that an agent makes after he makes an interview or does a certain thing,
and when you hear of talking about a 302, just remember that's some sort
of a report that's made by an FBI agent. You may have an opportunity to
see one or more of them before we're finished here. But that's what that
A transcript
will be referred to from time to time and a transcript is nothing more
than the typing up of what has been taken down by a court reporter either
in a court room or in a deposition or pretrial hearing or in a grand jury
or whatever it might be.
The last
procedural point I would like to make is that if you cannot hear or cannot
see at any time, some witnesses may be very soft spoken, some exhibits may
be very difficult to see from where you're sitting, I hope you will raise
your hand {29} and indicate to the judge so that some adjustment can be
made because it's very important for each one of you to see and hear
From time to
time there may be a question about what was said or what was observed and
each one of you must make your own determination and when you get back in
your deliberations it's an awfully lot to remember. It's almost a super
human job to ask you to remember it. Because there are 12 of you and you
all bring your own recollections to that jury room, you'll be able to come
up with a composite so you can come up with the truth of what was heard
and what was seen.
I will point
out some Indian cultural matters which you should be aware of so they do
not concern you and so that you will understand some of the testimony that
will come out about this. First of all, in the Indian religion there is
the religion of the holy pipe. On the defendant's table you see in a pipe
carrying pouch the holy pipe. Sometimes in the past we white people have
referred to this as a peace pipe which is really a misnomer. But it is a
holy pipe. It is a symbol and used in the religion of the Indian people.
It has the same type of status with them as perhaps a cross or crucifix
does for certain Christian religions or a bible or some other holy symbol
for a religion. You will notice some of the Indian witnesses take their
oath or affirmation before they testify on the holy pipe because {30} the
testimony will be that is what is most solemn for them in swearing to tell
the truth as opposed to some person perhaps of a Christian background who
will swear to God.
You will
notice many of the Indian witnesses as well as the defendant will wear
traditional Indian dress, will wear their hair in traditional Indian
You will hear
testimony that traditional Indian customs, many times people have two or
three different names for various reasons and that will come out in
testimony. So that you will understand, on occasions a person may be
called one thing on the Pine Ridge Reservation and another thing on the
Rose Bud Reservation.
Factually in
this case we will probably stipulate to virtually the vast majority of
what Mr. Sikma said. There is very little dispute about much of the
physical evidence in this case. Cartridges, weapons, things of that
nature. What is significant and what I trust caught your attention is that
Mr. Sikma only spoke perhaps for a total of 30 seconds out of the time he
was on his feet about Mr. Peltier and where Mr. Peltier was and what Mr.
Peltier did.
We believe
that the evidence you will want to be most alert for is evidence relating
to Mr. Peltier and whether or not he was doing certain things or located
in certain places or doing certain things.
I want to
alert you to the importance of the time {31} sequence. You have already
heard Mr. Sikma describe radio transmissions that took place at about ten
minutes to 12:00 and this time can be pinned down because there was
certain electronic recordings of radio transmissions with a timer and me
of death will be stipulated as being noon on June 26th, 1975. The shooting
that you heard of the other agent coming in took place in the afternoon
after that time and at some point later in the afternoon a group of
people, including Mr. Peltier, left the tent area and made their way out
past, I think the testimony is on that day and on days subsequent that
they went through, past, over, around about 100 FBI agents and actually
there was no arrest of any of the people in that group.
They were
ultimately, those who were arrested or found were found through different
ways and on different occasions.
It will be
very important for you to notice the time sequence. To give you just one
example, to alert you, not because the evidence will particularly point to
one thing or another, you'll have to wait to see what the evidence is. But
if the evidence was as we stipulated that the agents died at noon, if the
evidence turned out Mr. Peltier, if it even comes out that he was shooting
at any time, if he was not observed shooting at any time prior to 1:00
o'clock, that would, of course, be very important to you and you would
think about that when you got the judge's instructions and have to figure
that in your deliberations. Without going into detail of what {32} it
might mean, I think you can understand it will be very important to notice
times and be careful as to what the time sequence is.
Another factor
which is going to be very important is the state of mind. Now when I say
state of mind, what I'm speaking of is what was going on subjectively
inside of the minds of the people, particularly that were in what we call
the Jumping Bull area. I will mention in passing that in truth this was
not Harry Jumping Bull's, it was Cecilia Jumping Bull's. You will probably
hear Cecilia Jumping Bull testify. She's an Indian lady in her 60's and I
think you will see her testify here during the trial.
But the state
of mind in the various people, Indians and others in the area here will be
very important, will be important for several reasons. First of all, we
believe there will be evidence that at a certain time shortly before noon
there were people, I believe there may be testimony that Mr. Peltier was
among them, in the tent area and that they heard shooting and that they
heard something on the order of 20 shots that appeared to be coming from
somewhere in the north; and that when they heard these shots their first
reaction was that the camp was somehow under attack; that their first
reaction was self-defense. They were being attacked, "We have got to
protect ourselves, the women and children." There were women and children
in the houses that are pointed out "residences"; {33} and that the men,
including some young teenagers, in the tent area reacted by grabbing
weapons and running up to try to fend off whatever the attack was.
It will be
very important for you to fix in your mind as a fact that you will be
looking for as to what those people were thinking about. Were those people
thinking, "we're under attack and we have got to go up and defend our
women and children," or were they thinking, "We have got to go up,
somebody's here we don't like, we're going to kill them"? What is in their
mind is going to be very important. We believe you will find the state of
mind of the people running up was one of self-defense.
The judge will
instruct you on all of the law at the end of the evidence and argument and
we believe that he will instruct you of the law of self-defense.
Self-defense as we use it, I might add the Court will instruct you, will
relate to the individuals and may also include families or close friends
who are living with them. You will have to wait until the judge instructs
you on that. As you go along be alert on that fact.
The state of
minds of the ones you have, people around the residence shooting at these
two white men, who we now identified as special agent Williams and special
agent Coler, will be very important also. The testimony will be that
neither of these two agents were wearing a uniform of any kind. They {34}
were in just what I would call country clothes, slacks and shirts or
something like that, working pants and shirts, no uniforms or badges
displayed or special hats. The cars had no markings on them or big red
lights or anything of that nature. And one of the things that you will
have to decide is with regard to the people shooting, whether they even
knew or reasonably recognized that these were FBI agents. And I'll explain
in a moment why that will become important because of other testimony
there will be.
Finally, if as
the government has told you they will prove or expect to prove that one or
more people shot and killed these two agents at very close range, it will
be important for you to be able to determine whether anybody not actually
close in, was around the edges, either knew this was taking place or was
supporting or aiding and abetting them in some way, that would make them
Finally, it is
possible, and we don't know what the government will argue, that the
government will try to show some responsibility in Mr. Peltier for the
conduct of others there. On what basis I'm not quite sure.
The idea that
he was one of the group that were doing something, and it will be
important to you to know whether the people there were acting as a group
or whether they were acting as individuals, whether they had a common
design or just what was the situation, so that's the state of mind that is
going to be very important there and the evidence we believe will show
pretty clearly what that was.
The second
state of mine which will be very important for you will be the state Or
mine of various witnesses for the defense and for the prosecution who come
before you. The motivation, why the witnesses are testifying, and I think
it will be fairly safe to say that all witnesses will be testifying
pursuant to a Subpoena so in one sense they're here because they're
required by law to be here, but it will be up to you to determine the
credibility of each of the witnesses.
The Judge will
instruct you that it is up to you to determine how much weight to give to
each witness if any. The Judge will tell you, give you criteria for
determining whether you want to believe all or any part of a witness's
testimony and he will give you some guidelines, some yardsticks that you
can use to determine whether a witness is to be believed or given great
weight or not.
So one of the
factors you will need to know and we'll try to portray through evidence is
factors which affect the state of mind of witnesses.
A number of
the key government witnesses are going to be Indian people, young Indians
particularly who were involved in the shoot-out area.
There are a
number of motivations that could be, and we suggest are, involved in those
young men and at the time you hear them testify and subsequent to that we
will endeavor to show you some of the factors that might be influencing
them so that you may make a judgment as to whether that affects your
decision as to whether or not that person is telling the truth or not and
to what extent he is to be credited.
One of the
most difficult things for you in this trial, I believe, will be to take
yourselves mentally and emotionally on a trip from Fargo, North Dakota to
the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and assimilate the surroundings and the
atmosphere that existed on June 26, 1975.
Fargo and Pine
Ridge today are vastly different places and I think the evidence will be
that they were even far different back then.
There was an
atmosphere, we believe the evidence will show, in 1975 of violence and
fear and oppression on the Pine Ridge Reservation which is likened to
nothing that most of us have ever experienced in our lifetime, certainly
nothing that any of us in the white community have experienced in my
recorded lifetime or I believe any of yours.
We believe the
evidence will show that beginning with, {37} and I think an arbitrary
point because in 1973 there was a general activity which erupted into the
now famous Wounded Knee Occupation on the Pine Ridge Reservation and
Wounded Knee is on the Pine Ridge Reservation not very far from Oglala
where this all took place and part of the reason for the Wounded Knee
Occupation and the events which took place surrounding this event in 1975
related to the oppressive atmosphere, the fear, the violence that was
going on there and somehow through the evidence we are going to try to
insert you there emotionally so you can sense and judge what took place
and determine the mental state particularly of the actors in this drama on
the basis of what took place there because if you judge them on what would
happen in similar circumstances in Fargo the evidence will show, I
believe, that it is not a valid determination.
Now what am I
speaking of. I will tell you that some of the evidence that will indicate
this to you is as follows:
In the three
years surrounding 1975 on the Pine Ridge Reservation with a population of
eight thousand people there were two hundred forty-three deaths by
Now that's a
little hard to assimilate, to think about.
In order to
get you to have a feel for that I will tell you that my investigation
indicates that the Fargo-Moorhead complex, the metropolitan area here has
about eighty thousand people in it, a little bit more than that but let's
call it {38} eighty thousand. This would be equivalent over the past three
years of having twenty-four hundred thirty deaths by violence in
Fargo-Moorhead. Twenty-four hundred and thirty deaths by violence.
The vast
majority never resulted in arrests and there were very, very few
prosecutions successful in convictions.
The result is
that life is cheap on the reservations; everybody is armed for their
self-defense; killings are only the tip of the iceberg; beatings were
regular things.
We'll have
evidence of a little girl who lost her eye when she was walking along the
road and someone just shot at her. This is violence that we have a hard
time relating to.
The evidence
will show that everybody on the reservation, and when I say everybody,
obviously the Government may find one or two people or a handful that
aren't all armed but for all intents and purposes everybody feels a need
to be armed.
Now another
thing that will come out in the evidence, probably some of you think,
"Well, why don't you call the police." That's a natural reaction, probably
my reaction.
The evidence
will show that one family in fifty on the reservation has a telephone and
in fact within this entire Jumping Bull Compound as it is sometimes called
there was no telephone so that if trouble starts you are on your own and
there's not much of any way to get help even if you had a {39} telephone
The nearest
police were the Bureau of Indian Affairs police, twelve miles away from
Pine Ridge. If you assumed that you made a successful call and someone
started out immediately if there is trouble, you've got something on the
order of a twenty-minute ride before the police arrive. So people have to
be self-reliant much as they were in the old west and and the old six
gunned justice, self-defense by weapons. That will be the order of it.
That is what the evidence will show.
The evidence
will show and we'll have testimony from residents of Pine Ridge that if
anybody approaches, the reaction is not what you'd have, they'd grab the
gun, turn out the lights and sort of peak out the windows and wonder
what's going to happen next.
In the area of
tents you'll hear referred to as Tent City there were alot of tents; there
were teepees, there were huts, there were camper tents and there were a
lot of weapons and yet the Government will bring a whole lot of them in
here to show to you, I think we'll probably stipulate to most of them, and
there's no question that the people there, that the evidence will show
that they had armed themselves as everybody else on the reservation had.
There's no
doubt that the evidence will show that the members who were in this
encampment who were active in the American Indian Movement, some of them
were certainly in low {40} leadership positions, feared for their lives
for one reason or another and carried weapons from time to time as they
moved from place to place as a lot of people on the reservation did from
time to time.
Prior to this
incident there was a tribal chief who had been elected in what was a
questionable election, that from the evidence will be named Dick Wilson.
Dick Wilson
ran a ruthless, violent regime. The evidence will be that he had a series
of henchmen who beat people, shot at people, carried out all sorts of
violence in order to maintain him in power.
A term that is
going to be used is goons. When I first heard it I found it offensive
because I thought it was the kind of nickname that indicates a prejudice
that most of us rebel against but I then found that everybody including
the people themselves called the people I'm talking about goons, Dick
Wilson and his goons and apparently on the reservation everybody including
the goons called the people goons who worked for Dick Wilson.
In any event
you will hear both sides referring to goons from time to time and these
were the henchmen of Dick Wilson, a bunch of roughnecks.
The evidence
will be extensive as to the terror that these people carried out and that
these were people who were feared and one of the reason that the people in
this camp were {41} armed was the rear of raids by goons.
We will bring
out evidence in addition in support of the need for self-defense,
self-arming, that the traditional Indians on the reservation and also the
members of AIM who had had some experience in the area believed that they
could not count on the FBI to give them equal protection of law and that
this affected their mental state, again that if they became under attack,
even if they could get a call for help to the BIA or the FBI, that it
would, probably would not avail them. Now at the end of this trial, in
fact and truth I think by the end of this trial the evidence will indicate
that that at least is what the truth will be and this is important in your
We will also
show that the American Indian Movement people, including people in this
camp, believed that there were provocators enlisted by various people
trying to cause violence and to try to draw AIM into various
confrontations in order to discredit them, in order to get them and their
leaders into all serving jail terms and perhaps getting James in order to
break up the movement and we'll present evidence on that which again goes
into the mental state of the people or some of them who are involved here
so that when they heard gunshots, what it was they were thinking might not
be exactly what you and I would think under similar circumstances.
The facts will
show that Mr. Peltier and a number of {42} other people involved here had
been in Farmington, New Mexico for an AIM conference, much as the American
Legion has a conference or other groups have conferences, and they had
come back to the Jumping Bulls' at the invitation of elder traditional
Indians in the area in order to try to help the people there to overcome
the problems of violence and oppression and help them to organize to help
Contrary to
what Mr. Sikma indicated, I believe the evidence will be that Mr. Peltier
had lived in this area for several months; that it was for all intents and
purposes, in other words, his home at that time.
We will
produce evidence that will show that the people there including Mr.
Peltier were engaged in community projects to help uplift the Indian,
particularly the traditional older Indians there who were having
difficulty in coping with problems, trying to get many of the Indians in
the area to stop drinking, to gain more self-respect and take care of
themselves. We'll show evidence of this group, including Mr. Peltier and
his companions, on an occasion when a store burned down, that they
reconstructed it, put a roof on it; that they had programs of helping the
elderly in the area including planting woods and bringing in wood for
them; that they helped to develop political awareness of people in the
area there, to try to help and develop community grass roots efforts to
get people out to vote on important issues and to {43}