January 6, 2016
We received a message from Leonard this evening. An excerpt follows.
“For months, if not at least a year now, I have been complaining about medical problems and that something is wrong with me… For the last few days, I have been on call out to go see the doctor. Today, I was called again and had my blood pressure taken and gave more blood for more tests. Apparently, they found what’s called Abdominal Aortic Aneurism (AAA) and it is at a very dangerous [stage]. If it bursts I can die. I will bleed to death. So they are going to rush me through some more tests, a MRI on Sunday, then find the right surgeon to do the operation. The good news is [this surgery] has a high success rate… if nothing goes wrong.”
At this time, we have no further details. Suffice it to say that, at Leonard’s age, any surgery is risky. Also a concern is that during his treatment at a federal prison medical center, Leonard will be held in isolation.
Please visit http://www.bop.gov/inmates/concerns.jsp. Make reference to Leonard Peltier #89637-132 and USP Coleman I. Voice your concern about Leonard’s medical treatment, and let the federal Bureau of Prisons know that the world is watching. We demand that Leonard receive the best possible care.
Please also contact:
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First St., NW
Washington, DC 20534
(202) 307-3198
In addition, when you make your call to the White House (as we know you often do) to voice your support for a grant of clemency, please mention Leonard’s current health crisis. Mr. Obama must act now.
Leonard and the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee thank you for your support – in particular during this critical time.
We’ll keep you informed of any developments.