International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

(Note: Emails received on January 19 from Russ Redner after hearing the news that President Obama denied Leonard Peltier’s clemency application.)

I really do send out my blessings for Leonard tonight and to his family…and those who have worked so hard, the tons of supporters, from the grassroots to those who are celebs, politicos, even a letter from the Pope….but, really this boiled down to “what’s in a man’s heart.” I mean POTUS we all know his heart now. A Black man , the first of his kind, to be elected POTUS and this is what he leaves office with “unfinished business and broken promises.” Shrouded in secrecy, wouldn’t even give Native Peoples a shout out at his last PC…and, finally, RACE DOESN’T MATTERS, at least and last, NativeLIVES DON^T MATTER, in our own HOMELANDS and in America because Obama proved that tonight. the AMERICAN/S HATES NATIVE PEOPLE!!!! We are still HIGH VALUE TARGETS (HVT`s) or NHI`s, POTUS IS NOT Obama now, it is Trump….so I don`t have to be nice to Obama and by calling him down he has proven he is not a man of his word, check what he did not do regarding DAPL? Check what he did as a record as POTUS, his horrendous deals, his legendary waffling, he threw his own surrogate Father-figure under the bus way back when, what, really, could anyone expect when it came to standing up for justice and integrity regarding a Native American…well, now , we all know the style of a Black man, as POTUS can’t tell the difference between a white man. What can we expect from any other race other than Black or white, my bet is the samething. I gotta go pick-up the pieces now of my own People and especially of my friend and brother Leonard Peltier.

Those of us , longtime AIMers and warriors, must speak out now so let’s hear from all of us…..on getting Leonard Peltier the hell outta of that prison, and hell with the FBI…this is a hot button issue for Native People as a People, buddy!!!!! We have families and daughters and sons and relatives still battling and for the right and great purpose that the outgoing POTUS seems to believe he alone can talk about—well, I’ve got news for him and America, you got your values from the Native People…the People who shall not be named, you know Geronimo, Chief Wahoo, Redskins, Indians, you know It used to be that our kind were made to feel ashamed of being us, no9t anymore, Leonard, Joe, WK II, Alcatraz Takeover, Frank’s LANDING, ANY CAMP OCCUPATION, have made our 7th Gens at during especially No DAPL and Standing Rock/Cheyenne River has made us proud again. Now we`re ashamed to be “americans” or to be from the EEUU, it sucks, go overseas and say you’re a American and see the response you get, if you ex-pats (white people overseas) believe what I am saying is any different. And why, I refer to to look no further than what Obama has just done or not done as the case may be….this lands is not the Americas. It is whatever the original People`s call it

2nd EM:

Those of us , longtime AIMers and warriors, must speak out now so let’s hear from all of us…..on getting Leonard Peltier the hell outta of that prison, and hell with the FBI…this is a hot button issue for Native People as a People, buddy!!!!! We have families and daughters and sons and relatives still battling and for the right and great purpose that the outgoing POTUS seems to believe he alone can talk about—well, I’ve got news for him and America, you got your values from the Native People…the People who shall not be named, you know Geronimo, Chief Wahoo, Redskins, Indians, you know It used to be that our kind were made to feel ashamed of being us, not anymore, Leonard, Joe, WK II, Alcatraz Takeover, Frank’s LANDING, ANY CAMP OCCUPATION, have made our 7th Gens at during especially No DAPL and Standing Rock/Cheyenne River has made us proud again. Now we`re ashamed to be “americans” or to be from the EEUU, it sucks, go overseas and say you’re a American and see the response you get, if you ex-pats (white people overseas) believe what I am saying is any different. And why, I refer to to look no further than what Obama has just done or not done as the case may be….this lands is not the Americas. It is whatever the original People`s call it.

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